documenting my startup journey!!
startup pivot update!
tacos at my place?
Creating art (and food) elevates our mood, improves our problem-solving skills, and opens our minds to new ideas.
Spring Rolls, Sweet Potato Ice Cream, and Soda Barbie
as proclaimed on TikTok, 2024 is giving 2016 energy
catch up on the latest happenings
this is your sign to cook at home with the people you love
If you want to save money, eat healthier, and do an activity at the same time, try this revolutionary concept called cooking at home 🤪
today's your lucky day!!
together, we could cook on Simmer
Do you want to eat healthier? Learn a new skill? Spend quality time with your loved ones? Set your cooking intention with Simmer Social and stay motivated to cook with the IKEA effect mindset.
cooking in virtual reality